Here is where I write my scribbles in the riffles of life. Like riffles on a riverbed, they reflect their environment and are ever-changing

Feb 3rd, 2024

Been combing through the government's legislation database for recent bills and found so many vague or downright malicious ones. I feel as is the dam of common sense and empathy restraining all the shitty and selfish desires and ideas from becoming laws in these geriatric's heads has broken. Its like all the unspoken rules about how to act as a government official just got thrown out. In reality, it's more likely that the veneer all this has been hiding from has been lifted and they are no longer bothering to hide it any longer. I also rediscovered the fact that any bill which doesn't become signed into law by the end of a legislative session is effectively vetoed or dead, and needs to go through the whole process again. This is especially interesting becaus the session only lasts half a year, so any bill which is long or complex proably won't make it through. Maybe that is the reason real solutions which tackle all the facets of a problem are few and far between and our lawmakers prefer simpler measures. Either way, we cannot rely on our representatives anymore. It is up to people at the local, maybe even state level to manage and solve our own problems. The federal government has become a daycare for the spoiled, the moronic, the selfish, and the geriatric.

Jan 20, 2024

I went snowshoeing up on Mt. Hood on the 18th as part of Cascadia Wild's Wolverine tracking project. The snow was thick, with a thin layer of ice on top. It was unusually clear that day, so the views were fantastic. Since there were no clouds to shield us from the sun, and we were working our legs a ton, we had to shed our coats halfway through to stop from overheating. Despite it being around freezing, it felt pleasant while snowshoeing. Would definatley recommend to anyone interested in hiking or conservation/environmental work.

Nov 2, 2024

Today I figured I'd share this screenshot of a 3d model for a creature in the Cassette Beasts game I've been working on in blender for the past year. If you do this stuff, don't ever let anyone say it takes no skill, this stuff is hard. And blender is supposed to be "user-friendly" when it comes to this software.